Video: American’s CEO Doug Parker and team impersonate One Direction

An annual Halloween costume show has long been a big event at US Airways, and the tradition continues at the new American.

The Ft. Worth Star-Telegram’s Andrea Ahles posted a video on YouTube of CEO Doug Parker and his executive team performing for employees at a rally last Friday.

Elise Eberwein, EVP People and Communications, dressed up as Pitbull, and AA President Scott Kirby, who was impersonating Kesha, warmed up the crowd by dancing to ‘Timber’.

Then Doug Parker and several other execs (including CIO Maya Leibman – she’s to Parker’s right in the video) entertained the staff by imitating boy band One Direction and singing their pop hit, ‘Best Song Ever’.

Before they performed, Parker told the audience, “We’re going to do a song called the ‘Best Song Ever’. It’s not the best song ever, so don’t get your hopes up…but we picked it because it’s symbolic of what we’re trying to do, which is to build the best airline ever.“

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